HEB Engineers is committed not only to our clients and our people but also our community.
Our staff members serve on boards throughout the North Country, donate professional services to a variety of non-profits, volunteer time in our schools, and are encouraged to give back in a meaningful way. Guided by a dedication to service, at HEB we contribute via:
Since our beginning, HEB has firmly believed in giving back to the community. The HEB Cares! Program brings together the firm's charitable giving plan with staff volunteerism. Every year staff members are encouraged to spend two days volunteering in the community, and we often organize group activities to work together on larger projects. We sponsor numerous local organizations that are near and dear to us. We volunteer our time to serve on boards and committees because we love our communities and are proud to be a part of them!
We proudly to support organizations in the North Country through our HEB Cares! Program, including the following:
- 4 Our Kids Recycling Services
- Adaptive Sports Partners of the North County
- Androscoggin Valley Hospital
- Believe in Books Literacy Foundation
- Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Foundation
- Colonial Theater
- Conway Area Humane Society
- Cumberland County Soil & Water
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Four on the Fourth
- Jen's Friends Cancer Foundation
- Kennett High School Project Graduation
- Kiwanis Club of Mount Washington Valley – Angels & Elves Program
- Lilliputian Montessori School
- Memorial Hospital
- Mount Washington Observatory
- MWV Housing Coalition
- Nansen Ski Club
- New England Ski Museum
- New Hampshire Preservation Alliance
- North Conway Fire Fighters Association
- North Conway Public Library
- North Conway Village Association
- North Country Council
- Northern Forest Heritage Park
- Plan NH
- Rotary Club of North Conway
- Tin Mountain Conservation Center
- White Mountains Home Builders Association
- White Mountain Waldorf School
- WOW Trail
Over the years, HEB has created partnerships with organizations throughout the North Country, donating professional services for capital improvement projects through our technical grant program. These services allow organizations to move forward with a new building project, ensure the safety of existing facilities, and generate long-term infrastructure plans.
Recent projects include:
- Friends of Nansen Ski Jump - Bidding & Construction Assistance (2021)
- Notre Dame Arena - Foundation Design for New Sign (2021)
- Friends of Conway Rec - Drapery & Lighting Support Structure (2021)
- Berlin & Coos Historical Society - Grant Assistance (2020)
- Town of Lancaster - Grant Assistance (2020)
- Habitat for Humanity - Bolton Hill Road, Conway, NH - Feasibility Analysis (2020)
- Town of Denmark - Moose Pond Road Culvert, Denmark, ME - Grant Assistance (2020)
- Lakes Environmental Association - A portion of our work for stormwater treatment design on Otter Pond Road (2019)
- Holderness School - A portion of the Ski Jump design (2019)
- Town of Hartford - A portion of the Pratt Hill Road Culvert project (2019)
- Town of Gorham - Grant Assistance (2018)
- Good Shepherd Parish - Floor Framing Structural Assessment (2018)
- Town of Littleton - Capital Improvement Budgeting (2018)
- Deertrees Theater– Predesign services for future improvements (2017)
- Jackson School District - Timber Frame Pavilion Design (2017)
- Ham Arena– Solar Panel Feasibility Assessment (2017)
- Androscoggin Valley Chamber of Commerce - Northern Forest Heritage Park Stage Structure Design Review (2017)
- Granite Backcountry Alliance - Ski Trail Mapping (2017)
- Nansen Ski Jump– A portion of our work during the recent restoration (2016 - 2017)
- NH SAU #9 - Design services for the Kennett High School Baseball Field (2016)
- NH SAU #48 - Plymouth Regional High School Ski Jump Structural Design (2015)
- Mount Washington Valley Economic Council - Schematic Design Services (2015)
- Conway Area Humane Society - NHDOT Driveway Permitting (2015)
- New England Ski Museum - Structural Assessment and Floor Plans (2015)
- City of Berlin - Morning Lane Cross Walk Evaluation (2015)
- White Mountain Aquatic Foundation - Planning Assistance (2014)
- Mount Washington Valley Trails Association - Easement Sketches (2014)
- NH Scot - Highland Games Monument Foundation Analysis (2013)
- Old Man of the Mountains Legacy Fund - Old Man of the Mountains Memorial (Phase II), Franconia, NH (2012)
- MWV School-to-Career Partnership - Davis Park Skatepark Site Planning, Conway, NH (2010)
- West Main Recreational Corp. - Assessment Services (2012)
- Northern Forest Heritage Park - The Brown House Structural Assessment, Berlin, NH (2010)
- North Conway Public Library - Parking Lot Improvements, North Conway, NH (2009)
- Children Unlimited - New Facility Survey Base Mapping, Conway, NH (2007)
HEB staff are involved in all aspects of community life. We sit on municipal boards, volunteer at community events, mentor local students, and are encouraged to find meaningful ways to give back to our community.
Firm Membership & Local Involvement
- Androscoggin Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Androscoggin Valley Hospital
- Berlin Community Bible Church
- Berlin Industrial Development & Park Authority
- Berlin Youth Hockey
- Conway Area Humane Society
- Friends of Nansen Ski Jump
- Fryeburg Academy Ski Team
- Jackson Conservation Commission
- Kennett High School Baseball
- Kennett High School Hockey
- Kennett High School Soccer
- Leadership MWV
- Leadership North Country
- MWV Housing Coalition
- MWV Regional Collaboration
- MWV Women's Hockey Association
- Mount Washington Valley Young Professionals
- Mud Bowl Planning Committee
- North Conway Country Club
- North Conway Village Association
- Plan NH
- Saco-Swift Rivers Local Advisory
- Sacopee Valley High School Football
- Upper Saco Valley Land Trust
- Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Washington Valley Economic Council
- White Mountain Board of Realtors
HEB offers two annual scholarships to local students perusing an education in engineering or surveying. We know that these funds are being put to great use and have been able to see it in action as we have been lucky to have several scholarship winners intern with us and even join our team!
The HEB Engineers Technical Studies scholarship is given to a graduating Kennett High School student enrolling in a four-year engineering or two-year (minimum) surveying program at an ABET-accredited college or university.
The H. Edmund Bergeron Technical Studies scholarship is given to a graduating Gorham High School or Berlin High School student enrolling in a four-year engineering or two-year (minimum) surveying program at an ABET accredited college or university.
In addition to offering scholarships, we support the following educational programs:
- Kennett High School TrigStar Mentoring
- Kennett High School School-to-Career Partnership
- Kennett High School Drafting/Engineering Advisory Committee
- Kennett Middle School Career Day
- MWVEC Education Committee
- MWVEC Science Fair
- MWV First Robotics
- NHSPE MathCounts Program
- UNH ASCE Concrete Canoe/Steel Bridge Sponsorships