Jordan Pike - PE, PTOE
Senior Transportation Engineer
Jordan’s career began in 2008 as a Traffic Engineer for the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT). He was later promoted to the Highway Design unit, where his team led multiple successful highway safety improvement projects. In 2021 Jordan relocated to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and joined HEB Engineers to lead their transportation services. Jordan is a strong advocate of multi-modal solutions, and has expertise in the areas of roundabouts, traffic safety, and pedestrian & bicycle facilities. In 2024 Jordan became a shareholder of the firm.
Jordan is a licensed Professional Engineer in the States of New Hampshire, Maine, and Connecticut. He is certified as a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, and is NHDOT Local Public Agency and MaineDOT Local Project Administration certified.
- University of New Hampshire – Senior Capstone Project Mentor
- Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE) Roundabout Committee Co-Secretary
- Plan NH Charrette Team Member
Jordan received his Civil Engineering degree in 2008 from the University of Hartford. He stays busy professionally by mentoring college seniors on their capstone project or helping communities plan safer transportation. Jordan is also an advocate for roundabouts, and helped lead the development of the ITE Roundabout Guide Map. Outside of work Jordan enjoys time with his wife and friends trail running, hiking, camping, and skiing in the White Mountains.