Laconia W.O.W. Trail
Phase I, Laconia, NH
HEB was selected by the City of Laconia and the Winnipesaukee-Opechee-Winnisquam (W.O.W.) Group to provide planning and engineering services for construction of Phase I of the W.O.W. Trail. The trail project, when complete, will be approximately 9 miles in length and run from the Belmont town line to the Meredith town line. Phase I included the segment of trail construction from Main Street to Elm Street with an approximate length of 1.4 miles. The majority of trail construction for Phase I was conducted in the railroad corridor, with a section along Messer Street constructed on-road to avoid needing to build a bicycle/pedestrian bridge over the Winnipesaukee River. Phase I was one of the first projects in New Hampshire to receive ARRA funding and was successfully constructed under stringent federal guidelines, including coordination with multiple state agencies. Construction was substantially complete during the fall of 2009 and finalized early spring 2010. The trail has quickly become a popular to bikers, walkers, and runners and public input has been extremely positive.
Phase II, Laconia, NH
Subsequent to the success of Phase I, HEB was selected in 2013 to provide surveying and engineering services for Phase II of the W.O.W. Trail. Phase II consists of a 1-mile long, shared-use, rail-with- trail path generally within the NHDOT Bureau of Rail ROW from the Belmont Town Line to the south end of the completed Phase I path segment. Similar to Phase I, a section along Fair Street was constructed on-road to avoid needing to build a pedestrian bridge over the Winnipesaukee River. In addition, another section of path was constructed outside NHDOT’s ROW to provide full access to the City-owned Bartlett Beach facility. The path is 10 feet wide and paved with an attractive bridge over Durkee Brook and wood-constructed boardwalks over sensitive environmental areas. The northern segment begins at the former Train Station where the project included a full-width concrete paver surface with granite block inlay and new aesthetic lighting. From the train station, the path continues on-road along New Salem Street prior to moving back into the NHDOT ROW and returning to typical construction. HEB’s services included survey coordination, pathway design, structural design of bridge and boardwalks, easement coordination, environmental permitting, bidding assistance and construction administration. Construction of Phase II was completed in 2016.
- Existing-Features Analysis
- Environmental Permitting
- NEPA Documentation
- Multi-modal Pathway Design
- Contract Documents
- Bidding Assistance
- Construction Administration
- City of Laconia
- Winnipesaukee-Opechee-Winnisquam (W.O.W.) Group
Laconia, New Hampshire