Main Street Streetscape Improvements
Bridgton’s downtown streetscape frames a vibrant amalgam of storefronts, eateries, offices, and residences. Located in the heart of Maine’s Lakes Region, the town is a popular summer and winter vacation destination. The one-mile stretch of Route 302 (Main Street) that runs through downtown is also a throughway for large trucks and other vehicles. In 2016, HEB assisted the Town of Bridgton with a master planning effort to create a conceptual design that would make the downtown corridor a more pedestrian-friendly, attractive, and vibrant destination while upgrading outdated infrastructure.
Following the completion of the master plan process, the Town contracted with HEB to finish the design and bring the project to fruition. A comprehensive community outreach process that began in the master plan phase and continued throughout the entire design process included visioning workshops, online surveys, several public input sessions, and multiple presentations to various Town boards and community organizations. Once the preferred layout and approach were confirmed, HEB finalized design plans which included replacement of the aging sewer infrastructure along with a completely new streetscape throughout the downtown corridor of Bridgton.
HEB services included survey base mapping, wetland delineation, coordination of Landscape Architect services, and final design services. Construction Documents were prepared and HEB assisted the Town through the bidding process. Construction began during the summer of 2019 and was substantially complete as of November 2020 with HEB providing near full-time construction administration services. The project was funded in part with a Community Development Block Grant and a Maine Department of Transportation Municipal Partnership Initiative Grant. The outcome is a complete transformation of the downtown core providing enhanced pedestrian access, slower vehicle speeds, and an improved streetscape serving the local businesses and residents.
- Existing-Features Analysis
- Public Outreach
- Roadway Corridor Planning
- Roadway and Streetscape Design
- Contract Documents and Bidding Assistance
- Easement Coordination
- Construction Administration
Town of Bridgton
Main Street, Bridgton, Maine