Parker J. Noyes Building
In 2018, the Northern Forest Center purchased the historic Parker J Noyes building on Main Street in Lancaster, NH. The project goal was to renovate the 11,600 sq. ft, three-story building with first-floor commercial space and 6 upper-floor apartments in order to help revitalize the downtown area and provide workforce housing. HEB, working with ALBA Architects, performed the structural design, updating the abandoned structure to meet modern building loads as well as addressing years of deterioration which included a fire and roof leakage. HEB also completed civil design of sidewalk improvements, parking lot improvements, and site drainage. The $3.2 million construction project was completed by Garland Mill, of Lancaster, alongside over thirty subcontractors. HEB services included civil design, structural design, and construction administration services. The project was completed in July 2022.
- Structural Building Design
- Site Design
- Construction Documents
- Construction Administration
Northern Forest Center
Lancaster, New Hampshire